Tuesday 17 September 2013

How to hide the folders without using softwares

Follow the steps to hide a folder using command prompt:
1. Open command prompt by choosing Start -- > Then type in "Search box " as cmd and press ENTER.
2. The command prompt window opens. You have to specify the location of the drive.
3. If the folder you wanna hide is present in D drive, then type as d:  (d colon) and press enter.
4. Now enter the command as below :

attrib +s +h FOLDER NAME and press enter.
If your folder name is xyz, then specify as,
attrib +s +h xyz

 5. Now the folder is hidden from your drive. Even if you search in any other way, u wont be able to open the folder. Even if you click the radio button (show all hidden files folders and drives option )in folder options dialog box, the folder won’t be shown. That's it and you are done. !
6. Now if you want the folder back to be shown, you have to give the command as...

attrib -s -h FOLDER NAME  ( dont forgot to change the drive by giving d: )